Jay's gender hoard :)


main identities


kingenders & other


hi! I'm jaymond or jay.
I'm 20yo, white, neurodivergent (autistic, self-dx) and use mainly they/them, xe/xem and fae/faer pronouns
This carrd is mostly a way for me to note down all the gender identities I find comfort in. criticism is welcome, hate will be blocked. this is just for funsies :3

my twitter is @uwufinity
you'll find me under the same name on several other sites,, you can dm me whenever, I'm always open to talk
You can also find my main carrd here and my pronoun list here.

clicking on the icon at the top will bring you to the picrew it was made in!!

main identities!!

genders, sexualities and common umbrella terms i identify with the most.

gender :3

transgender : not identifying with the gender you were assigned at birth

nonbinary : identities neither exclusively male nor female. between and beyond the gender binary

genderqueer : similar to nonbinary

agender : a lack of gender

fluidflux : genderfluid & genderflux / an identity that fluctuates between several genders and varies in their intensity

sexuality :3

asexual : a lack of sexual attraction

aromantic : a lack of romantic attraction

bisexual : attraction towards two or more genders

biromantic asexual : a lack of sexual attraction but romantic attraction towards two or more genders


what are xenogenders? they are non-binary identities outside of the human understanding of gender; especially used by neurodivergent people

pendogender : never being satisfied with your gender no matter how well it fits due to self-doubt, causing one to compulsively search and seek out something that fits even better

peachgender : a feminine (not female) nonbinary gender characterized by softness! it's not a very intense gender by definition and can be used by people of any alignment

dulcigender : an aesthetically-centered gender that is associated largely with stereotypically feminine things (such as pinks, frills, buns, and general cute things)

lovegender : a gender related to love! it can only be expressed with love and it is made of love

midbinary : being outside the gender binary, but having a gender referencing gender binary

chaingender : nonbinary people who feel connected/'linked' to binary genders (such as masc or fem nonbinary people), through the metaphorical chains of gender

laetium : a trans person whos presentation/identity is tied to them being nondysphoric. it is nonconforming to express joy, self love, and acceptance of their identity and themselves!

jouine : from “joy” and “sanguine”. a joyful gender, very happy and euphoric about who they are. they are happy to express their gender, and know that it is special

cryptogender : a gender one can’t discern, describe or define in human words because one is puzzled by it. it feels like it is and it isn’t there without following any particular pattern, sometimes even at the same time

gendersilly : when ur just having fun with ur gender, with expressing urself and not taking urself too seriously!

kingenders & other!!

kingenders is a catch-all term used to describe people whose gender(s) are related to them being otherkin, or are somehow influenced by it.

catgender : an identity that is used for autistic individuals, as well as people who may experience delusions relating to being a cat/ feline and/or experience species regression

mothgender : an identity related to nature, light and curiosity

beegender : mainly influenced by bees and honeybees! has ties to repitition and repeating noises and not being able to quite pinpoint your gender. also honeybees arent male or female they all have jobs but scientists categorize them into genders which can be relatable for a lot of nonbinary people!

gamegender : a gender only felt when playing video games, or in some way connected to video games. The label can be altered to be a specific game

fnafgender : a subset of gamegender based around/influenced by Five Nights at Freddy's

animegender : a gender identity linked to animekinity; a kingender of anime character

firegender : a gender that is in a constant state of being fluid or flux, linked to passion, strength and difference. it is a gender that can be destructive if not handled properly. it is aesthetically linked to fire